Boating in Ninh Binh and Caving in Phong Nha

So the past week has seen us spend our final days in Ninh Binh and also spend some time in Phong Nha.

Our last two days in Ninh Binh were very lazy and relaxing, including being rowed for 2 hours by a Vietnamese lady down the Song Sao Khe river passing through paddy fields and through 3 caves.  Following our last meal of duck (for Helena) and Pho (Alan) we boarded a night bus that would see us get into Phong Nha at 4.00am in the morning.

The village of Phong Nha is world renowned for its multiple cave systems (including Son Doong, which is the largest cave system in the world – but costs US$3000 to visit, so we gave it a miss). During our time at Phong Nha we visited Thien Duong Cave (aka Paradise Cave) which is in Ke Bang National Park (UNESCO World Heritage site).  The 48 km journey was another opportunity for Helena to enjoy the joys of being a passenger on a scooter – as we traversed a number of 1:8 gradients to reach our destination – saying that the scenery was stunning.

As always, we found the cave that had an entrance 200 meters above sea level that meant more climbing. The cave was itself was discovered by a local man in 2005, and currently expeditions have gone over 32 kilometres into the mountainside – the public are only allowed to walk in just over 1 kilometre, but even so the cave height can reach to 72 metres and at some points it is 150 metres wide. The limestone formations are spectacular and the photos below do not show the size/magnitude of the cave system.stunning.

We also decided to go on a hike in the Phong Nha Botanical Gardens, which actually was a 90/120 minute hike in the Ke Bang National Park. This was also another opportunity for Helena to appreciate Alan’s scooter skills as he wove in and out of obstacles (including cows, water buffalo, butterfly’s and dogs!!). Due to it raining the day before we ended up clambering over (and down) some very slippery rocks, to eventually reach the Gio waterfall. This waterfall is a multi level set of falls that you are ‘fortunate’ enough to climb up, using the assistance of ropes and some carefully’ man-made’ footholds. .

8 thoughts on “Boating in Ninh Binh and Caving in Phong Nha”

  1. Great pictures as always some of your excursions look hard going but worth it .
    Glad your having such a fantastic time xxxx

  2. That water buffalo does not look happy to see you. Glad you guys look happy. Amazing adventure

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