Exploring Luang Prabang

We have just left Luang Prabang, where we stayed at another great accommodation Villa Ban Lakkam which was positioned between Nam Khan (green coloured) and the Mekong (brown coloured) rivers.  The stop in the town was part of the journey south towards the Laos capital of Vientiane, where most people cross back to Thailand – but of course we are going further south.

We visited a number of temples, including Wat Sikhounmuag, Wat Xiang Thong and Wat That Luang.  At 0545 in the morning Alan also decided to go for a walk to see the daily ceremony of alms, where Buddhist monks walk the streets in bare feet (or jandals) after they’ve completed their morning prayers/chants and accept gifts from both locals and tourists. The money/food given is then used to support people living in poverty. It was amazing to see the monks, ranging from 7/8 years old all the way up to late 70s undertaking the ritual – although Chinese tourists also partake and video the monks from less than a metre away.

We also could not leave Luang Prabang without also visiting the famous Kuang Si Waterfall.  This waterfall flows over 5/6 tiers, with the lowest 3 being able to be swam in.  To try and miss the crowds, we left Luang Prabang at 0700 on a Honda Scoopy to travel the 28 kilometres, through rural roads with some very large ‘pot holes’, which luckily some had been filled in with brick rubble!!

We also visited a sanctuary’ to see the sun/moon bears rescued from the abhorrent trade of farming bile from the live bears gall-bladder. The demand for bear bile is driven by the belief that it has medicinal qualities. The bile is used iin traditional Chinese medicine, as well as ordinary household products and cosmetics like shampoo and toothpaste – it can even be found in Chinese wine, and ‘bile teas’.

Luang Parang is also the first location in over 5 months that we have seen rain during the day – but we are entering the rainy/monsoon season. The 30 minute down-pour was impressive and eased the oppressive temperature, but what followed was temperatures bouncing back to 37/38 degrees with brilliant blue skies.

Next stops for us in Laos, after 5/8 hours in a minivan travelling south will be Vang Vieng, followed by the capital Vientiane..

6 thoughts on “Exploring Luang Prabang”

  1. Sanny Van den Troost

    Aww such good shots of the moon/sun bears 🤩
    I love following this blog to see more of your amazing adventures ☺️

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