….. Hanok Stay – Living Korean Style

So, this is our penultimate update from South Korea.

We continued our journey north towards Seoul, stopping at Jeonju. As always we make the most of the local buses, and for some reason we were the only foreigners using this mode of transportation. The city of Jeonju is the 16th largest city in South Korea and part of the ’old city’ includes 700 Hanok houses, where we stayed for 5 nights. The old city is an entire district and a ‘mecca’ for Korean locals to get dressed up in their traditional clothing as they pose for photos.

All of the houses externally retain the historical ambiance, however inside they has been fully modernised, but still keeps all the character of the old Korean homes (including wooden floors, paper/bamboo sliding doors, etc). The most amazing feature is the the floors are all heated and get soooo warm (25 degrees), and this is especially enjoyable as you are sleeping on or close to the floor.

The cold weather also broke for a short spell with temperatures hitting a lovely 16 degrees Celsius, meaning t-shirts, lights jackets and a skirt (for Bex). 

During one of our strolls we went to Jaman Village, which is only about 500m from where we are staying. The village is renowned for artists painting murals on the walls of the houses and those surrounding garden walls. 

Tomorrow we head back for a few days in the capital Seoul.

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