…… paalam na Philippines

This is our last update of our time in the Philippines.

The final week started off with a cruise from El Nido. The 3 day/2 night boat trip booked through El Nido Paradise and Helena and I joined 20 other people on a converted fishing boat. During each day we would visit islands for snorkelling, visiting local villages and relaxing. The crew who looked after us were fantastic, ferrying people on kayaks, climbing 18 metres up a coconut tree for us. Helena also decide to do a cliff jump from a height of approx 10 metres!!

Each night was spent in ‘beach huts’, on secluded islands. During our time on the boat all the meals and snacks were prepared by the crew and either eaten on the boat, or on an island – the food was amazing and always included fish, vegetables, fruit and of course Filipino power rice. An added advantage was all the drinks, including rum and gin were included in the price.

Overall we covered 140km, seeing 12 islands and various coral reefs. The last stop was in Coron, where we stayed in a hostel overlooking the ocean and spectacular views – before heading off to Manila..

The final 24 hours has been spent visiting T and Sam in Manilla, who are ex Filipino co-workers of Helena. It was great to have a Japanese meal with them, and to talk about their move across to work in NICU’s in Melbourne (good luck to both of you).

For any one considering the Philippines, our recommendation is GO FOR IT, Bohol, Cebu and Palawan are majestic, with such friendly people – but just limit your time in the main cities.

…. and our travels continue, with our next update coming from Japan the ‘land of the rising Sun’.

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