DisneyLand Tokyo Special Edition

So this is the special edition promised in our last update (and sorry for the number of photos).

On Monday Helena got her long standing wish to go to Disneyland (in Tokyo). This followed us purchasing e-tickets two weeks earlier, which needed to be printed out onto A4 paper (don’t go there).

It was an early start to travel the subway for 30 minutes, but we arrived at Disneyland at 0815 to be met by massive crowds. Following the mandatory bag and body scan, we were in. What followed next was ride after ride, including Splash planet, Star Wars, Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Snow White, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Haunted Mansion, Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain.

It was amazing to see the iconic castle and the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse. In addition, it was incredible to watch the Japanese people be soooo enthusiastic about Disney and dressed up in costumes, head bands (both female and males), Mickey hands, Balloons, popcorn carriers, etc. We have never seen so much Disney merchandise ‘on show’ and being brought.

We had fantastic weather all day, which resulted in us needing a Mickey Ice Lolly each. However, at 1830 it started to lightly rain resulting in no light show or fireworks. We had three final rides before ‘calling it a day’ and two tired travellers made there way back to the hotel and had a good nights sleep.

To finish off this update, yesterday (22 February) we met two amazing and generous people. Just over 12 years ago, Momoka stayed with us, as an exchange student (at the age of 14) when Bex was at QMC. After all this time we met up with her, and her mum, for a traditional sushi lunch at a very very exclusive restaurant . I cannot describe how good the food was, as course after course (we think it was 14) was delivered that included tuna, prawn, conger eel, abalone, savoury egg (with crab), monk fish liver, sea urchin, mussels, seaweed, fish roe (eggs), tofu, oysters and more – washed down of course Saki and beer. We have promised not to leave it another 12 years before we meet again!!

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